
Tools, Parts, Safety & Preparedness

1.5 Days

Course facilitators will show participants the appropriate way to handle all tools.  Facilitators will elaborate on the "how to" and "what to look out for", when operating wood working tools and implements. 

Topics will range from the use of a measuring tape and the thickness of a saw blade cut, recognizing when a blade is not cutting well and the replacement process, to avoiding hazards and work place safety. 

Why, How to, & Making of Locking Gun Safes for Home

1 Day

The reasoning and laws surrounding firearms storage according to Canadian firearms regulations will be touched upon and later reviewed thoroughly as outlined in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC).  An Inuktitut interpreter will be available at all times during the course on staff to help clarify details within the CFSC as well as aid in the sharing and skills development of all participants. 

Building Targets

1 Day

This element of the course challenges participants by focusing on building their knowledge of trades literacy and carpentry skills.  Participants will work together to apply their understanding of written measurements (in text format) and further their knowledge by completing project questions, apply it in a real world hands on testing environment. 

Nunavut Hunter Safety Course

3 Days

Basic computer literacy skills will be developed so that participants may use the windows interface to access the online training resources that exist.  These skills will allow participants to be able to create a profile for the purpose of navigating through the online host website to complete the "Nunavut Online Hunter Education Course". The facilitator and interpreter will act as supports throughout the duration of the process and aid those who face challenges in the process. 

Firearms Care

4 Days

Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) will be delivered over the course of 4 to 5 days with the support of the local interpreter.  Allowing for extra time in class to thoroughly review and learn the course material prior to the exam.  Elements of the CFSC will be brought up in each stage of the course such as during the builds to help familiarize participants with the language and historical elements.

Handling and Discharging a Firearm

4 Hours

The culmination of all aspects of the course come together at this juncture where the participants put their work to use during a controlled target practice. The course facilitator will have each pair of participants out on location where they will measure the distances at which targets are to be placed.  All participants regardless of their success in the CFSC will get to discharge a firearm under the supervision of the facilitator.