
Customer Service

1 day workshop

Customer service has always been recognized as an essential part of any business or organization. In the modern competitive business world, customer service is not just about keeping some clients happy or solve some minor problems, but it is about fulfilling customers’ expectations and raising business profile.

Change Management / Coping With Change

1 or 2 day workshop

Change can be difficult for anyone but especially when working in a organization, as there is so much change.

This course covers a number of critical guidelines in change management and what is needed to maximise the likelihood of success.

Critical Conversations

1 day workshop

Critical conversations can be very challenging, but when they happen, it is often out of necessity. They arise out of situations where information needs to be shared about sensitive, emotional and risky topics, which is why our approach to these conversations needs to be skillful and performed with confidence.

It is very important that these conversations are effective, honest, healthy, and most importantly, respectful. 

Active Listening

1 day workshop

Active listening is a skill, which just like many others, can be developed and mastered with practice.

The best listeners are the ones who understand the difference between hearing what someone is saying and understanding their message. The addition of active listening to your toolbox can benefit you in your personal life as well as your professional one.

Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution

2 day workshop

Conflict in the workplace can be very complicated, however the resolution of a conflict is often very simple.

Assertiveness and effective communication are at the forefront of conflict resolution, and when mastered, can lead to win-win solutions! When we can understand how to be assertive without being aggressive, we are able to better stand up for ourselves when faced with confrontation without compromising a working relationship.

Leadership Skills for Non-Managers

1 day workshop

To be a good manager, you need leadership skills, however, to be a good leader, you do not need to be a manager! Leadership skills are attributes which help us better interact with the people around us, whether or not we have any legitimate power over them.

A good leader is someone who can motivate and inspire people to ultimately work towards a common goal.

Leadership Skills for Non-Managers 2

1 day workshop

This workshop builds from its precedent and explores the ideas that we can leverage our communication skills and our influence on our co-workers without having direct power over them.

By being confident and by mastering skills such as emotional intelligence and self-awareness, we are able to maximize the cooperation of the people around us in the face of adversity or conflict.

Emotional Intelligence 1

2 day workshop

As we already know, there are several different types of intelligence. Perhaps the most important type of intelligence that we require in a team setting or a workplace environment is emotional intelligence.

When we understand the way that a person behaves or the way that a person feels, we are able to adjust our own behaviour in order to better relate to a certain individual. That is what we call emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence 2

2 day workshop

This workshop builds on its prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence 1; where we explored the topic of emotional intelligence using psychology theory and behaviour models.

This workshop will leverage the knowledge that we have learned in the earlier session and develop them into skills that we can bring to the workplace and to our personal lives. Learning about theory will not benefit us if we are unable to characterize it into our daily lives and begin to benefit from the knowledge.

Dealing with Difficult Behaviours

2 day workshop

In our professional lives, we often deal with difficult behaviours, however it is our responsibility to handle these situations in the best way possible so that the parties involved can still benefit and succeed! In order to do this, we need to approach these situations with a high level of composure, assertiveness and communication skills.

When we can better understand WHY a person is behaving in a certain way, we will then better understand HOW to resolve the situation in an effective and positive manner!

Communicating for Results

2 day workshop

Being heard and being understood are two very different things. An excellent communicator is able to leverage their skill set in order to convey their message in an effective way.

There are many interruptions and difficulties that can factor into even the simplest conversations that we have which can hinder our ability to get our message across. It is up to us as individuals to train ourselves to be better communicators both in the workplace and in our personal lives so that our words can be impactful and influential!

Using Positive Influencing Skills in the Workplace

1 day workshop

Influencing someone, without having direct power over them, is a very difficult ability to master, however, like every other skill, can be trained and practiced. Positive language, both vocal language and body language, carries a lot of power and influence on the people who surround us.

When leveraged correctly, these positive influencing skills are a great leadership tool which can help people cooperate, without there being some sort of conflict between co-workers.

Outstanding Administrative Assistant

2 day course

Everyone wants to believe that their office functions like a well-oiled machine, that everything runs smoothly, and tasks are completed well and in a timely fashion. In order to achieve this, the cooperation of all of the office functions is necessary, however, a lot of the credit for how well an office functions, is really due to the administrative assistants.

Management Skills for Administrative Professionals

2 day workshop

Administrative assistants are often described as a master key; they are an individual who has a very diverse set of skills and has a hand in just about every function of the office. In order to be an effective administrative assistant, you will need to be excellent at being self-sufficient; being resourceful and confident enough to complete a task with little to no help.

Using Empathy in the Workplace

Why use empathy in the workplace? 20% increase in productivity and your employees and colleagues will thank you!

When we understand the way that a person behaves or the way that a person feels, we are able to adjust our own behaviour in order to better relate to a certain individual. Being able to accurately identify how someone is feeling is a skill which takes practice.

Practical Facilitation Skills

2 Day workshop

Leading a meeting is no simple task, but when you are equipped with the right tools, it can be a very important skill in the workplace!

The fundamentals to a successful meeting are to understand the dynamic of both the meeting and its participants in order to tackle it effectively.

Powerful Negotiation Skills

2 day workshop

The ability to negotiate in our professional lives is a crucial and powerful skill. Negotiating does not always mean the attempt to take the most and give the least for our own benefit, but to settle differences and to seek win-win situations.

The art of negotiation requires understanding the steps of the process of a successful negotiation, as well as the necessary skills to maneuver negotiating events. Negotiating itself is a skill which can be improved upon by bettering our communication skills, using active listening, being able to resolve conflict, and ultimately managing interpersonal relationships.

Social Behaviour Styles

1 day workshop

A person’s social style is a way of categorizing the manner in which a person acts, interacts with people and communicates. Understanding the nuances of these social styles about yourself, and the people around you can greatly improve a team’s effectiveness.

When we better understand the styles of the people around us, we can begin to tailor our approaches when interacting with them so that we can improve communication and minimize personality conflicts.

Working and Communicating as Part of a Team

1 day workshop

Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses allows you to leverage what you are good at in order to be more effective and more productive. The same goes for your co- workers. If you are working in a team setting, being able to identify the strengths and shortcomings of a team can allow for maximal cooperation between members and in turn, increase performance.

Managing Difficult Conversations

1 day workshop

There is never a perfect time to tell someone something that they don’t want to hear. It is an unpleasant situation that both parties would rather avoid, however there comes a time where something needs to be said. It is up to us to prepare ourselves in advance and to turn an unpleasant situation into a constructive one.

This course will explore how to engage in a difficult conversation using many tools, such as creating the right atmosphere, how to approach the conversation with the right mindset, and how to express your feelings in an impactful way so that the message is received clearly by the recipient. Difficult conversations don’t have to be difficult!

Managing Multiple Priorities / Practical Time & Workload Management

Are you spending your time efficiently? More and more people are encountering stress, overwork, and the pressure of time constraints at work. Even the most organized person can sometimes feel overwhelmed and frustrated. 

To help you achieve better results and higher productivity, this workshop will introduce you to practical "how-to" techniques.

Building Resilience to Thrive In Today’s New Environment

3 Hours online

Resilience is often described as your ability to bounce back from adversity. Being resilient is an important building block of individual and organizational health and well- being. Everyone is born with a natural resilience. '=

This workshop will teach participants that with improved self-awareness and practice, they can continue to strengthen and develop their abilities to be resilient in the face of most challenging situations.

Daring to Lead

(Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to LeadTM ) you will learn:

  • Part 1 Rumbling with Vulnerability - How we react to fear and choose to lean into risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure.
  • Part 2 Living into Our Values - Clarity on our values and the gap between our desired values and our behavior.
  • Part 3 Braving Trust - How trust is built and destroyed in organizations.
  • Part 4 Learning to Rise – Resilience: failing forward (learning whilst failing).

Lead, Motive, Inspire

2 Day activity

The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

This two day activity based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical leadership success factors of strong leadership that will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize and inspire them to their full potential to achieve extraordinary things.

Take Control of Your Workday

Set up a system that allows you to focus on your overall vision, roles, goals and priorities. In today's busy world it is a constant challenge to keep up with your goals and commitments. Many people often feel as though they cannot find enough time to get everything done. Although we can't give you more hours in the day, we can help you decide what to do and when to do it.