To be a good manager, you need leadership skills, however, to be a good leader, you do not need to be a manager! Leadership skills are attributes which help us better interact with the people around us, whether or not we have any legitimate power over them.
A good leader is someone who can motivate and inspire people to ultimately work towards a common goal. This is done by managing the emotions of the people around you in order to avoid and resolve conflict. By using tools such as praise and feedback in a professional manner in order to increase quality and productivity in the workplace.
In doing so, an office can perform more effectively and efficiently leading to increased performance. “A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” - John C. Maxwell.
This is a 1-day workshop which explains how to be a leader in your professional life when you do not have a title or authority over the people around you. Leadership Skills for Non-Managers 2 takes a deeper dive on these concepts.