Courses and Description

Driving Courses

Class 3 Air Brakes Training

Driving Courses

This 20 day course provides students with the skills and knowledge to challenge the Class 3 theoretical examination and practical driving test to obtain a Class 3 driver license.

The course covers both the theoretical knowledge and practical applications of using a Class 3 vehicle. Students will be taught all necessary skills to safely operate in and around Class 3 vehicles.

Class 5 Driving Lessons

Driving Courses

The Class 5 driver training days will be divided 1-2 hour sessions of driving lessons with an experienced instructor. Each student will receive a minimum of 5 hours of one-on-one lessons.

Students will learn the fundamentals skills of defensive driving. The instructor will schedule timeslots with the respective students to complete the driving hours over the duration of the course.

Class 7 Student Driver Education

Driving Courses

The Class 7 course will be in class training that will run for 5 days.  

Topics covered include knowledge of the rules of the road and safety while operating a motor vehicle, understanding the basic standards for a vehicle and its components, learn safe driving practices and recognition of circulation signs, colors, and shapes.

Heavy Equipment Operator

Driving Courses

This 20 day course gives licensed drivers enhanced safety and vehicle management skills.

The courses cover both theoretical knowledge and practical applications of using heavy equipment (loader, dozer, grader, etc). Students will be taught all necessary skills to safely operate in and around heavy equipment vehicles.

Courses and Description

Trade Courses

Introduction to Mechanics

Certification Course

The Introduction to Mechanics course aims to provide practical knowledge and skills related to mechanics that are essential in various communities. The main objective of the course is to help the participants understand the basic mechanical concepts that underline many aspects of daily life, including force, motion, energy, and power. The course will also cover how to troubleshoot and repair common mechanical problems and develop skills in using hand and power tools.

Courses and description

Health and Safety Courses

Remote First Aid

Certification Course

Wilderness and remote environments require specialized skills, equipment and training. Whether you are an outdoor recreation enthusiast, live or work in a wilderness or remote setting, or work as a professional rescuer — Red Cross offers specialized training to meet your needs.

Wilderness First Aid

Certification Course

Wilderness and remote environments require specialized skills, equipment and training. Whether you are an outdoor recreation enthusiast, live or work in a wilderness or remote setting, or work as a professional rescuer — Red Cross offers specialized training to meet your needs.

Youth Program: Babysitting

Certification Course

Red Cross has two programs designed to give youth the age-appropriate skills they require, while simultaneously increasing their capacity to improve safety and respond to challenges accordingly.

Red Cross First Aid programs are unique. Developed by educational and instructional professionals along with technical advisors, our programs offer both practical skills and greater self-awareness. These programs are designed to increase youth capacity for care in their communities.

Youth Program: Stay Safe!

Certification Course

Red Cross has two programs designed to give youth the age-appropriate skills they require, while simultaneously increasing their capacity to improve safety and respond to challenges accordingly.

Red Cross First Aid programs are unique. Developed by educational and instructional professionals along with technical advisors, our programs offer both practical skills and greater self-awareness. These programs are designed to increase youth capacity for care in their communities.

Psychological First Aid

Certification Course

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is about taking care of yourself – your thoughts, feelings and emotions when you have experienced stress, crisis or trauma – and then being there for family, friends and community when they are having difficulty coping.

Preventing Disease Transmission

Certification Course

Prevention is key for workplace health and safety.

Protecting the safety of employees is essential to ensure they can work effectively. When workers feel confident that they have the skills and knowledge to keep themselves and others safe, they perform better, and are less likely to require absences from work due to illness.

The Red Cross Preventing Disease Transmission (PDT) online course is designed to help organizations meet public health guidelines, and is suitable to all audiences, including those who work in front-line service delivery, retail, community and social services, and those who work with vulnerable populations.

Emergency First Aid

Certificate Course

Basic course offering lifesaving first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for the workplace or home. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.

Standard First Aid CPR A

Certification Course

Comprehensive first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines. 

Standard First Aid CPR C

Certificate Course

Comprehensive first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.

Standard Child Care First Aid & CPR B

Certificate Course

Comprehensive course offering lifesaving first aid skills, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills, and injury prevention skills and knowledge, with a focus on childhood injuries and illnesses. Includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial early childhood education and day care worker safety requirements*.

Emergency Child Care First Aid & CPR B

Certificate Course

Basic course designed to introduce caregivers to injury prevention skills and knowledge. Course covers lifesaving first aid skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR and AED) for children, and babies. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial early childhood education and day care worker safety requirements.

Opioid Poisoning Awareness Workshop

Non-Certification Course

To help save lives, the Canadian Red Cross has added training to identify and respond to opioid poisoning in all its first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) programs offered across the country.

The program modification represents the first of a series of Red Cross measures funded by Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) to help reduce opioid-related deaths by increasing Canadians’ access to response training and a life-saving medication that buys those affected enough time for medical attention.

First Aid Basics

Non-Certification Course

Emergency situations occur unexpectedly—and chances are it may be someone you know who requires care. Learning first aid could help you save the life of a family member, neighbor, or loved one. If you have been hesitant to learn first aid or want to refresh your skills and boost your confidence, then First Aid Basics is for you!

Courses and Description

Firearms Safety Training

Tools, Parts, Safety & Preparedness

1.5 Days

Course facilitators will show participants the appropriate way to handle all tools.  Facilitators will elaborate on the "how to" and "what to look out for", when operating wood working tools and implements. 

Topics will range from the use of a measuring tape and the thickness of a saw blade cut, recognizing when a blade is not cutting well and the replacement process, to avoiding hazards and work place safety. 

Why, How to, & Making of Locking Gun Safes for Home

1 Day

The reasoning and laws surrounding firearms storage according to Canadian firearms regulations will be touched upon and later reviewed thoroughly as outlined in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC).  An Inuktitut interpreter will be available at all times during the course on staff to help clarify details within the CFSC as well as aid in the sharing and skills development of all participants. 

Building Targets

1 Day

This element of the course challenges participants by focusing on building their knowledge of trades literacy and carpentry skills.  Participants will work together to apply their understanding of written measurements (in text format) and further their knowledge by completing project questions, apply it in a real world hands on testing environment. 

Nunavut Hunter Safety Course

3 Days

Basic computer literacy skills will be developed so that participants may use the windows interface to access the online training resources that exist.  These skills will allow participants to be able to create a profile for the purpose of navigating through the online host website to complete the "Nunavut Online Hunter Education Course". The facilitator and interpreter will act as supports throughout the duration of the process and aid those who face challenges in the process. 

Firearms Care

4 Days

Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) will be delivered over the course of 4 to 5 days with the support of the local interpreter.  Allowing for extra time in class to thoroughly review and learn the course material prior to the exam.  Elements of the CFSC will be brought up in each stage of the course such as during the builds to help familiarize participants with the language and historical elements.

Handling and Discharging a Firearm

4 Hours

The culmination of all aspects of the course come together at this juncture where the participants put their work to use during a controlled target practice. The course facilitator will have each pair of participants out on location where they will measure the distances at which targets are to be placed.  All participants regardless of their success in the CFSC will get to discharge a firearm under the supervision of the facilitator.

Courses and Description

Interpersonal Skills

Customer Service

1 Day Workshop

Customer service has always been recognized as an essential part of any business or organization. In the modern competitive business world, customer service is not just about keeping some clients happy or solve some minor problems, but it is about fulfilling customers’ expectations and raising business profile.

Change Management /Coping with Change

1 or 2 Day Workshop

Change can be difficult for anyone but especially when working in a organization, as there is so much change.

This course covers a number of critical guidelines in change management and what is needed to maximise the likelihood of success.

Critical Conversations

1 Day Workshop

Critical conversations can be very challenging, but when they happen, it is often out of necessity. They arise out of situations where information needs to be shared about sensitive, emotional and risky topics, which is why our approach to these conversations needs to be skillful and performed with confidence.

It is very important that these conversations are effective, honest, healthy, and most importantly, respectful. When we use the proper method concerning a critical conversation, we ensure that the information can be shared effectively and ultimately benefit BOTH individuals who participate in the conversation.

Active Listening

Active listening is a skill, which just like many others, can be developed and mastered with practice.

The best listeners are the ones who understand the difference between hearing what someone is saying and understanding their message. The addition of active listening to your toolbox can benefit you in your personal life as well as your professional one.

Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution

2 Day Workshop

Conflict in the workplace can be very complicated, however the resolution of a conflict is often very simple.

Assertiveness and effective communication are at the forefront of conflict resolution, and when mastered, can lead to win-win solutions!  When we can understand how to be assertive without being aggressive, we are able to better stand up for ourselves when faced with confrontation without compromising a working relationship.

Leadership Skills for Non-Managers

1 Day Workshop

To be a good manager, you need leadership skills, however, to be a good leader, you do not need to be a manager! Leadership skills are attributes which help us better interact with the people around us, whether or not we have any legitimate power over them.

A good leader is someone who can motivate and inspire people to ultimately work towards a common goal.

Leadership Skills for Non-Managers 2

1 Day Workshop

This workshop builds from its precedent and explores the ideas that we can leverage our communication skills and our influence on our co-workers without having direct power over them.

By being confident and by mastering skills such as emotional intelligence and self-awareness, we are able to maximize the cooperation of the people around us in the face of adversity or conflict.

Emotional Intelligence 1

2 Day Workshop

As we already know, there are several different types of intelligence. Perhaps the most important type of intelligence that we require in a team setting or a workplace environment is emotional intelligence.

When we understand the way that a person behaves or the way that a person feels, we are able to adjust our own behaviour in order to better relate to a certain individual.

Emotional Intelligence 2

2 Day Workshop

This workshop builds on its prerequisite: Emotional Intelligence 1; where we explored the topic of emotional intelligence using psychology theory and behaviour models.

This workshop will leverage the knowledge that we have learned in the earlier session and develop them into skills that we can bring to the workplace and to our personal lives. Learning about theory will not benefit us if we are unable to characterize it into our daily lives and begin to benefit from the knowledge. 

Dealing with Difficult Behaviours

2 Day Workshop

In our professional lives, we often deal with difficult behaviours, however it is our responsibility to handle these situations in the best way possible so that the parties involved can still benefit and succeed!

In order to do this, we need to approach these situations with a high level of composure, assertiveness and communication skills. When we can better understand WHY a person is behaving in a certain way, we will then better understand HOW to resolve the situation in an effective and positive manner!

Communicating for Results

2 Day Workshop

Being heard and being understood are two very different things. An excellent communicator is able to leverage their skill set in order to convey their message in an effective way.

There are many interruptions and difficulties that can factor into even the simplest conversations that we have which can hinder our ability to get our message across. It is up to us as individuals to train ourselves to be better communicators both in the workplace and in our personal lives so that our words can be impactful and influential!

Using Positive Influencing Skills in the Workplace

1 Day Workshop

Influencing someone, without having direct power over them, is a very difficult ability to master, however, like every other skill, can be trained and practiced. Positive language, both vocal language and body language, carries a lot of power and influence on the people who surround us.

When leveraged correctly, these positive influencing skills are a great leadership tool which can help people cooperate, without there being some sort of conflict between co-workers.

Outstanding Administrative Assistant

2 Day Course

Everyone wants to believe that their office functions like a well-oiled machine, that everything runs smoothly, and tasks are completed well and in a timely fashion. In order to achieve this, the cooperation of all of the office functions is necessary, however, a lot of the credit for how well an office functions, is really due to the administrative assistants.

Management Skills for Administrative Professionals

2 Day Workshop

Administrative assistants are often described as a master key; they are an individual who has a very diverse set of skills and has a hand in just about every function of the office. In order to be an effective administrative assistant, you will need to be excellent at being self-sufficient; being resourceful and confident enough to complete a task with little to no help.